I’ve been through multiple iterations of losing contact with people I’ve met via social media. It’s high time we stop allowing those platforms to hold our relationships hostage.
In the event you need to reflash a CHIP computer in 2023 or later, this post contains a walkthrough of a successful reflash using Ubuntu 14.04 on a Live USB.
Having accurate local Air Quality information can help you make decisions about whether to open your home's windows or weather you should wear a mask when going outdoors. This weather station will report that and much more to an MQTT broker of your choice.
How to use Logseq to track a complex task, keeping it in your journal page's footer until it is complete, even when the ball is not in your court.
When you need a better way to manage a movable property inventory but you have a budget of $0, you build a custom app in your spare time, right?
Cordelya writes about the process of developing her own flavor of CO2 monitor using a Raspberry Pi computer and a CO2 sensor.