Logseq and Handling Complex Tasks

How to use Logseq to track a complex task, keeping it in your journal page's footer until it is complete, even when the ball is not in your court.

Suppose I’ve got a complex task. The task first requires me to take some initial action. Then, I have to wait for someone else to take action in the middle. Finally, I need to track that task all the way to completion.

I make a “to-do” item and schedule it.

- TODO Do this thing
  SCHEDULED: <2022-07-11 Mon 23:45>

Hot Tip: Scheduling & Deadlines

In Logseq, adding a Scheduled date/time will tell Logseq what date to show you a task. This is achieved by typing <strong>/schedule</strong> at the end of your TODO line (or any line) and pressing “Enter”, then using the date-picker form to set the due date and optionally a time. The ><strong>SCHEDULED: <date></strong> bit is automatically added by Logseq.

Scheduling is also a great way to snooze things, btw. Tag those items with #snoozed for extra query deliciousness later on.

Adding a Deadline date, on the other hand, will tell Logseq the date/time a task absolutely must be completed by. Deadlines are added by typing <strong>/deadline</strong> at the end of your TODO line and proceeding as you would with adding a Scheduled date.

You can add one or both of Scheduled and Deadline dates to any item. Any item with a deadline

Suppose that I’ve taken action on this item, and now I must wait for another party to take action. The ball is no longer in my court, but I still need to track the overall task. I change TODO to WAITING, and add an indented subtask or two to show what’s already been done:

- WAITING Do this thing
  SCHEDULED <2022-07-11 Mon 23:45>
  - DONE Email requesting thing sent to *person*
  - WAITING Do this other thing after receiving response from *person*

Because the top-level TODO item is scheduled for today or earlier and not marked DONE, it will continue to appear on the bottom of my current Journal page.

I can track the item’s progress and still see it in my Journal list, but I’ll know that it’s waiting for someone else to take action. Because I can SEE it, it doesn’t go bye-bye from my brain.